Author: Diva Rose

Gorgeous lashes are a beauty ritual these days, but when you think about it, it’s kind of weird. How on earth did people think of sticking a synthetic eyelash on their real ones? As it turns out, false eyelashes have a long history dating back to ancient Egypt. The first eye makeup in history: Ancient Egypt The ancient Egyptians played a big role in the rich history of mascara. Dating back to 3400-30 BC, Egyptians used kohl with crocodile dung(!), water and honey to create the first type of eye makeup. The Egyptians put koch on their eyes to deepen…

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Continued from History of eye extensions and eye makeup (part 1) In the early 2000s, semi-permanent eyelash extensions further developed in South Korea as lash wearers looked for a safe solution to make their lashes last longer. It is difficult to confirm who exactly came up with eyelash extensions as there is no clear record, but rumor has it that someone at a tape lash factory used leftover synthetic lashes to create individual lashes that can be applied to a natural lash. At the initial stage of production, the quality of eyelash extensions left a lot to be desired. Factories…

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The eyelash industry is a billion dollar industry which looks set to continue to grow. Whether you work in the industry or are considering starting your career as an artist, knowing your earning potential is an important part of the business. Here’s what to think about when it comes to making money. Where are you in your career? When you’re first starting out as a lash artist, you’re still learning and developing – this is usually reflected in your prices. Experienced eyelash artists may charge more. Keep learning and enhancing your knowledge to increase your earnings! Read these insightful articles…

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Coconut oil is one of the most popular ingredients for green beauty enthusiasts. This powerfully moisturizing oil has the most delicious aroma and truly unique benefits for skin and hair. You can even use coconut oil on your lashes, especially if you’re looking for simple nourishment or a natural makeup remover alternative. In this post, we will tell you all the benefits of coconut oil for eyelashes, how to use it and also explain what it does not do. Is coconut oil good for eyelashes? Coconut oil is an unusual oil — it’s solid at room temperature and contains a…

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Your lash salon is a reflection of you, and not just as a lash artist. It needs to be attractive, inviting and make a big impression on your lash clients so they keep coming back! Use your personal style to show off what you and your salon are really about. It is very important to balance your own tastes (and the tastes of your customers) with the practical side. If your salon looks great, but you spend half your time walking back and forth to get your supplies, it might be time to reconsider. Let’s take a look at what…

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Table of Contents If you’re looking for extensions or false eyelashes, it’s probably because you want fuller, longer lashes. Not surprisingly, one of the biggest concerns about these eyelash enhancements is whether they damage natural lashes. If you’ve wondered if your favorite pair of false eyelashes will ruin your real ones, you’ve come to the right place. The article at a glance In this article, we discuss the potential damage that extensions and false eyelashes can cause to your real eyelashes. We also discuss other risks and how to prevent them. False eyelashes can cause a little damage to natural…

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Is there anything more rewarding in a lash artist’s day than seeing your client giggle in the mirror as they admire their gorgeous extensions? It doesn’t matter if you’re a 20-year veteran in the business, there’s always a sense of joy when the customer just can’t stop batting their eyelashes in admiration. A particularly rewarding feeling is when you work on a great new set of lash volume fans. Its absolute luxury! Honestly, every time we see them “in the wild”, they never fail to take our breath away. Have you perfected the volume lash fan method? If not, fear…

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Table of Contents One of the best things about DIY eyelash extension application at home is that you can effectively enhance your eyelashes without seeing a beauty professional. This means you can give your lashes the perfect boost without paying a lot of money or spending a lot of time. But using false eyelashes requires special maintenance to keep them in good and high quality condition. Here’s how to clean false eyelashes the right way. Article at a glance Read this guide to learn how to properly clean false eyelashes. We will explain the techniques and steps required to do…

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As the world begins to return to normal, businesses have slowly begun to open their doors to customers. Since our industry requires us to be literally in the face of our customers, many lash salons have had to remain closed for the past year and a half. However, with the lifting of pandemic restrictions in some places, we can now start welcoming lash clients back to our salons. To help you reopen and keep everyone safe, we’ve put together some things to consider before doing so. We are all itching to be done with Covid, but some are rushing to…

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“I’m sorry, I know it’s very close to my date, but something came up and I won’t be able to come.” There isn’t a lash technician in the world who hasn’t heard this or a variation of it at least once in their career. At least they had the courtesy to let you know rather than not showing up at all. However, it hasn’t left you enough time to book someone else into that slot, which especially for a business just starting out could be disastrous. With a cancellation policy in place, you can stop worrying about missed appointments and…

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